Colors and flavors of maple syrup Maple syrup is graded by light transmittance, which roughly corresponds to flavor and when during the season it is produced. 100-75% light transmittance is graded as golden. 50-74.9% is amber. 25-49.9...
Does taking sap hurt the trees? This is a good question. Tapping is to drill a hole to collect sap. The short answer is that with good tapping procedures, taking sap does not harm the trees. What are good tapping practices? The seas...
Curiosity makes us better and better The season for making maple syrup is five to seven weeks in March and April. It begins when the snow is still deep and the days start to warm. Through the season, the freeze-thaw cycle is like a pump ...
The curse of industrialization "My children like maple syrup on their pancakes, but I am not fond of it." I often hear comments like this. When people sample Vermont Maple, that changes. People pause for a moment, noticing the flav...
Carrot cake with Vermont Maple frosting Carrot cake with Vermont Maple frosting Ingredients 180 ml of Dark Vermont Maple syrup 80 ml tahini 140 ml applesauce 240 g carrots, coarsely grated 210 g flour ¾ teaspoon baking soda 1¼ teaspoon baki... Bake Cakes Dessert
Écologique Énergie renouvelable Evaporating our maple syrup over a wood fire is not the easiest way to concentrate sap... but we feel strongly that it’s the best. It is the traditional manner which has been used... Ecological Sugarbush Management
Apple galette with Vermont Maple syrup Apple galette with Vermont Maple syrup Ingredients 60ml (1/4 cup) Dark Vermont Maple syrup 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest plus 1 teaspoon juice 4 Boskoop apples peeled, cored and thinly sliced 1 ... Bake Dessert Fruit
le café et le sirop d'érable "Combien d'entre vous aiment l'odeur du café ?" Si vous demandez à une salle pleine de 100 personnes, environ 95 lèveront la main. "Combien d'entre vous aiment le goût du café ?" Si vous posez cette q...
Reverse Osmosis Sap from sugar maples is 2 percent sugar. By law, Vermont maple syrup is between 66.9 to 68.9 percent sugar, which is a higher standard than most other US states and Canada. It takes a lot of energy t... Ecological
Écologique Concentrer la sève sur un feu de bois n'est pas la façon la plus simple de faire du sirop d'érable, mais nous pensons que c'est la bonne méthode car elle est neutre en carbone. Industrial producers of... Ecological Sugarbush Management
Grampa Howard Grandpa Howard My grandfather Howard Lawrence started making maple syrup in Lake Placid, New York when he was a teen in the 1920s. In the1930s, he worked as a stuntman and sled dog driver in silent fi...
Saucisse à déjeuner à l'érable épicée Spicy Vermont Maple breakfast sausage Ingredients 1 1/2 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon cayenne... Breakfast Grill Sausages