James Jennings Écologique Énergie renouvelable Evaporating our maple syrup over a wood fire is not the easiest way to concentrate sap... but we feel strongly that it’s the best. It is the traditional manner which has been used... Ecological Sugarbush Management
James Jennings Reverse Osmosis Sap from sugar maples is 2 percent sugar. By law, Vermont maple syrup is between 66.9 to 68.9 percent sugar, which is a higher standard than most other US states and Canada. It takes a lot of energy t... Ecological
James Jennings Écologique Concentrer la sève sur un feu de bois n'est pas la façon la plus simple de faire du sirop d'érable, mais nous pensons que c'est la bonne méthode car elle est neutre en carbone. Industrial producers of... Ecological Sugarbush Management