Reverse Osmosis

Leveraging technology to save fuel and time

Sap from sugar maples is 2 percent sugar. By law, Vermont maple syrup is between 66.9 to 68.9 percent sugar, which is a higher standard than most other US states and Canada. It takes a lot of energy to remove that much water from the sap. 

Fortunately, reverse osmosis equipment, used in water purification, can remove pure H2O from sap without changing the flavor of the syrup. By concentrating sap from 2 percent sugar to 4, we cut boil time and fuel in half. By concentrating to 8 percent, we use 1/4 of the wood that we otherwise would have needed. That is not just time saved in the sugarhouse, but in the woods cutting, hauling, splitting, and stacking. This is a comfortable pace, not a race, and taking our time ensures quality maple syrup for you.

We could use reverse osmosis to concentrate the sap higher and make maple syrup faster. Honestly, we like hanging out in the sugarhouse with family and friends. This is a comfortable pace, not a race. 

Au feu de bois